Tuesday, February 15, 2005

He wants to play right now, rolling on the ground, chewing his own tail, and itching himself. Looking at me with those eyes saying "Please?" So it shall be... after I'm done here.

Today was fucked up. Correction, Stats class was fucked up. I knew it was going to happen... I just keep more mad at myself for it. I worked for Jeff last night during Pizza Bowl so that he can take his g/f out for Valentine's Day. It wasn't bad, I picked up an extra $30 on top of my wages and brought home tons of pizza. However, the trade-off for all those things included valuable time to work on my Lab report and study for the fucking Stats Quiz #3. Last but not least I also traded sleep, of which I wasn't able to do until 1AM, only to have to wake up 5 1/2 hours later at 6:30 to prepare for my easy day (Tuesday) at work and school.

Had I studied more, I might've had time to go back and review/practice those problems that showed up on the quiz. I thought I was ready, but I wasn't... everything I was ready for wasn't on the quiz. I figured out that it was 4% of my grade in the class that I just flushed down the toilet today. Boy was I steaming after that class, I can't believe that all the time and efforts put into trying to study for the quiz, Schaffner ended up not putting any of it on the quiz. Why the fuck does he have to make those integrals so hard and complicated?

Fuck it. Lets play with the doggie, finish the lab report, watch TV, and put my picture frame together and get some sleep. Long day ahead of me tomorrow, including lab, maybe a study session, and the Rec Center's Intermural Bowling Tournament. I know I can't win, but I just want to see how close I come to everyone else. There's only supposed to be like 6 to 10 people in the guy's category, so let's see how well I do.

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