Saturday, September 04, 2004

Haha, I'm happy and I can go killing now.

Were the words out of my mouth... or should I say out of my fingers that I typed as I played SoF2. I suppose good things do come when you're playing that game. Amy called first when I was playing that game. I'll probably get to see her Tuesday (I think it's Tuesday, or is it Monday? I'll call her on Monday) night and have dinner with her. That will definetly be something I'm gonna look forward to. I just can't wait to actually see her again....... it's been soo long, and I've missed her.

So she finally called today. I continued to play SoF2 and then I got the call. It was weird, she wasn't jumping for joy but she DID get them. I can imagine it in my head, from what she told me: she was in her pajamas, and she went to get the door, and her dogs ran up and she had to stop them. They are now sitting as the center piece on her kitchen table or something like that. How nice. I can't wait to see her either... I probably won't get to talk to her again until I actually drive down there and move in. That is okay, by the time I move down there I'll probably get to see her on the first day.

Still so confused. What do I do? When will be my time?

Oh well, no use in worrying about that for now. I shall just focus on the here and now, which is going to be in the following order:
1. Project Revolution Concert
2. Seeing Amy
3. Working the cash operation
4. Packing/Loading truck
5. Hanging out with Aaron and Bryan
6. Moving in
7. Seeing Darra
So yesh, she is on the bottom of the list. Had the list been extended, there might have been a: 0. Wait for thank-you call from Darra. But now that it has passed, we will focus on the following things. Tomorrow will be so awesome, I can't wait to rock out. I just gotta remember to be careful not to lose/break my glasses while i'm rocking out. Oh yeah Anthony bought me a birthday present, what a dude... he is my best friend. Anyways, focus on the here and now, and with that let us go to bed and bid this day a goodnight. A day in retrospect: cash operations a success, phone call for overdue meeting with the lifelong crush, past due thank you call from the girl of right now, and anticipation for tomorrow's concert.

...the here and now...

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