Sunday, April 17, 2005

Blue Moon

... was what was in the keg at 1415 Fairway Drive, the residence of Brian, Jeff, and Dan. It was Saturday night when Brian called me up and told me to get my butt over there for some good ol' drinking. I asked the roommates if they wanted to go, but was denied even at the suggestion of a "cab fare" payment. Well, when the fake ones won't oblige then call up the real ones! The cab showed up no less than 10 minutes after I got off the phone, and we were on our way. It was kinda embarassing how he got lost (actually he misheard the address, but had to look it up nonetheless). The trip cost me $12.50 and I just gave him $16 and to keep the change. It was good fun at 1415, I got the "Don't mess with Texas" or whatever it said mug, which was HUGE... probably at least a good 2-3 beers in each one. The place wasn't that crowded but I liked the number of people there, small and controll-able... but that doesn't mean it didn't get out of control. There was the chair incident, the flag incident, and the camcorder fun of course. We also had the "Glen's Sobriety Test" which Jeff passed flawlessly, only to curse at us for letting him drive (and scare himself 1/2 to death) the following morning. We also had the "D's 1 Dance Move - The Stall" of which was in D's words, "Karma" after falling over and breaking 2 of Brian's lamp light bulbs. We can't forget Jeff running down the street, alongside Dan (about to drive over to Jenny's house) and him screaming at D and chasing him down. We must also take note of the current scores: Brian's Knee - 0, Thick Wooden Chair Leg - 1. Also, Back of Dan's Head - 0, Piece of Broken Chair - 1, and lastly: Jeff's Toes - 0, Wooden Chair - 1. I had no part to do with it... okay fine, I broke a leg too. Oh and another stat for the scoreboard: Armwrestling, Dan - 1, Glen - 0. I spent the night there on their extremely comfortable bed, woke up the next morning and checked out Metal Gear Solid 3 in Dan's room, went and got lunch at Laguna's Bar with Kair and Brian, did some homework, and returned home at around 6PM.

Ashley's coming to visit next weekend, and James turns 21 on Friday. Poor Mike... he will be stuck at home all alone with by himself (or will have to go to a different bar with someone else's ID, or show up at a different time). Should be a fun week, but here comes the EE 335 midterm #1... I am also behind in my reading for Philosophy as well. Better get to bed.

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