Tuesday, January 10, 2006

2006... and some leftovers from 2005

Okay, so I'm way late in posting this shit, and there are a TON of shit I missed. So this first one will just be what I've missed talk about since last time.

The rest of the vacation... I'll try to remember as many items as I can, and just mention some things about each if I can. I had dinner with Jeana, and got to catch up with my very long time good friend from elementary school. There was Mustafa's party, of which we all had a ton of fun and was a huge high school reunion and waiting for AJ's final arrival at like 1:30 in the morning. As far as friends go, there was one other encounter, and it started off at AJ's house for a poker game... overall the people who played were myself, AJ, Jeff, Mustafa, Mike, Sean, and Riaz. From there, we headed to Stars where we proceeded to see Becky Stutte, Ashley Ramirez, Kathryn McGee, Christina Morales, Kris Goldstien, Kyle Masterson, BJ, Jarrett, Brooke Bosler, Nam, Zeke Hampton, Chris Webber, and even Amy Peterson. It was a huge reunion, I think almost as big if not bigger than Mustafa's. It was good times.

Yeah we played a lot of video games, but it was annoying because of Mom's nagging all the time and because Will had obligations to go to work and even school up until the 23rd, and Leo had school up until then as well... what a fucking retarded Solano County School District schedule huh? Our whole family went to Tracy's for dinner, which was pretty cool to see Goo Goo and Uncle there and our new baby cousin and stuff. We got some cool gift cards from Goo Goo and Uncle, and a nice 512 Mb MP3 player from Tracy/Jocylyn. Fisher's caterpillar toy was pretty funny too.... haha. As far as our house goes, there was a problem with a couple of the outlets in the garage and in trying to fix it, I busted the garage door but managed to fix it with the help of Anthony... and I got to catch up with him a bit. This year for Mom's Christmas present, I fixed the overhead flourescent lights in the kitchen which had been bugging her for a long time and paid for all the costs of the materials. I think she was pretty happy with it, so I'm glad I was able to "get" her something that she really wanted.

So we took my car down to Fremont to have Erik work on it, and he fixed a number of things: my battery is no longer moving around and giving me the biggest headache out of anything from the car... it doesn't move anymore due to the fact that he also fixed/installed a new exhaust pipe and air filter, which pushes up against the battery and holds it snug (on top of the washer he installed to tighten it). We also put in clear side lights for the turn signals.... and last but not least new tires. They are supposed to be great, and by putting them in, it in turn solved the extreme bobble-head action that my rear break light was having. The moonroof is still not locked tight shut when driving fast, my car seems to be a BIT louder, and the acceleration doesn't seem to be as fast once I hit 90+ for some reason. Oh yeah, and there IS the fucking incident of his damn neighbor BACKING INTO MY FUCKING DRIVER'S SIDE DOOR and making this huge dent. That's something else I still gotta go and fuck with... dammit.

Well other than paying for almost all of those things, Mom also got me some cologne and a much needed vacuum cleaner, and Will bought me a nice big backpack which I've discovered, can carry/hold ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. It's huge though. Also before school started once I got back here to SLO, I went to Walmart for once, and bought an iron, a blow dryer, and more clothes on top of a shitload of other things. It's been a busy year, 2006, so far, but it should be a pretty good one.

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