Thursday, June 02, 2005

Four-Day Weekend, Day #4

So it's my day off from school, no classes and no work. I wake up, put my pants on one leg at a time and prepare for the rest of the day. I start off by calling Charter and getting the TV and Internet thing cancelled and figured out. I then get my 314 homework done in time to catch the bus to school. I go to the craft center and spend about an hour there with the sand, water, bucket, and pottery spinner table. After that was over, I was done in time to go to the health center for my appointment with Dr. Ascoli. He seemed rude at first, but in the end he was okay and gave me my diagnosis and it turns out my finger is still inflammed and needs to heal for about 4 weeks and I should take 800mg of anti-inflammatory drugs (IB Profine) for 7-10 days to help it out. After the health center it was Astronomy time, as I sepent a couple hours there and ate dinner, ran into Darra. Then I went downstairs to relax a bit and shot pool with Jeff and Hasan and Dave. Brian showed up, and we went to the observatory for the last time during the last time it would be open, and it was packed. Afterwards, we went over some astronomy stuff, and I finally came home. After coming home and eating dinner, I worked on the astronomy homework even more, and got a good amount of it done before going to bed at 2 in the morning.

Academic Obligations Accomplished: 314 homework, sand project for astronomy, studying for astronomy quiz, astronomy homework.

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