Friday, August 20, 2004

Here's my theory...

I was sitting there getting my ears lowered when I finally realized and came up with my theory regarding the sleepiness of getting a haircut. In the past (beginnings of my theory) I had thought that I was prone to me falling asleep because of the vibrations in the hair clippers that was used on me... kind of like the way you fall asleep on a car. But, no. It was simply because of the fact that as I sat there with my glasses off, I had the feeling that it was time to sleep. The only times that I ever take my glasses off is when I'm taking a shower, swimming, or sleeping. Showering, wakes me up. Swimming, I am moving around and usually playing so I am wide awake. Thus the only other time that I have my glasses off is when I'm sleeping... thus the induced feeling of sleep when I am getting my haircut. What a weird theory, but I am positive it is right. That solves that mystery... moving on to something bigger like the mysteries of the universe.

I met Jerry Seinfeld!

I met Jerry Seinfeld in my dream last night (or was it this morning?). It was weird, the setting was once again in the old Trinity dorms on the 3rd floor. I had some weird poster of him hung up on my wall, of which I ripped down for him to sign. However, for some reason or another the colors on the poster/picture was fading real bad, and I felt bad that I didn't have anything else for him to sign right then except for that. He signed it, we spoke for a while I think, and that is pretty much all that I could remember from the dream. I can't remember what we talked about, but I did kind of remember him performing somewhere, and I was sitting near the front rows but very much off to the left hand side of the stage. That is all I can remember, I really wish to meet him someday.

Kara should eat more Wendy's 99 cent nuggets. I have no idea why but we were talking about it earlier today and I just have that stuck in my mind so I figured I get it out here. There was a lady with Kara's birthday at work today, but obviously a different year.

I should start posting much more as school is getting closer and closer, and me moving out is also getting closer and closer. I need to get out of here. Like I said to Jaime the other day:

VV sucks
work sucks
mom telling me to eat 3 square meals a day and go to bed early sucks
no parties or girls sucks

Lots of sucks, but it's all true. I need to go back. I need to start making that "list" of stuff I need to have as I travel down there. I also need to make sure that the U-Haul is not a stick shift. I also need to get my SS card taken care of while I still have a vehicle available to me here in town. I also need to get that list of stuff that we had before in Cerro Vista made up and talk about to the guys (vacuum cleaner, house neccessities such as trash bags etc, TV/Internet pricing about two lines or one). Wow I have a lot of "need to do" things. I should get started on some of them soon. It is already the 20th of August. Let's see... when is going to be my 2 week's notice... 24th? 24 + 7 = 31 + 7 = Labor Day. Yup, 24th is when I gotta give my 2 week's. Looking forward to that too... my paycheck this time was small. Next one will hopefully make up for it.

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